to boys. Girls liked computers significantly more than boys did, and the girls, more than the boys, believed they would use computers in their future. Despite the fact that girls had more positive attitudes in terms of liking and perceived usefulness, the findings of the same study also indicated that boys were more confident than girls, in using computers. Young (2000 among researchers have resulted in the development of different useful tools for assessing attitudes towards computer, be it among students, teachers, or individual in general. Kay (1993) surmised that researchers had assessed more than 15 different constructs to attitudes towards computers in more than a decade. Among the commonly used instruments for computer attitude measurement are, the Computer Attitude Scale ( CAS Klik untuk maklumat lanjut |
between learning styles and treatment. Results on the relationship between the four phases of learning in the KLC and the development of cognitive skill indicated that the active experimentation phases had a high relationship with the achievement of cognitive skills. Activities in phase three (experimentation) and phase four (conceptual abstract) contributed towards the achievement of technical skills. Activities in phase 1 Klik untuk maklumat lanjut |
in academic fields at a particular stage of development. Thirty-three academically talented students from a secondary school in the state of Selangor were involved in the study. These students had achieved grade A in all subjects sat for in a national standardized examination, the Lower Secondary Assessment (Penilaian Menengah Rendah- PMR). An adapted version of an instrument, the Cognitive Assessment Klik untuk maklumat lanjut |
Tesaurus |
| had (kata nama) | Bersinonim dengan batas, takat, sempadan, perenggan, hingga, enggat, senggat;, | | Kata Terbitan : berhad, mengehadkan, terhad, pengehadan, |