Kata |
Takrif |
Sumber |
menggerogot | menggigit-gigit, mengunggis. | Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat |
gerogot | Jk; menggerogot menggigit-gigit, mengunggis. | Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat |
Kata |
Takrif |
Sumber |
gnaw | ~ st /away, off/, menggerogot: rats ~ed off one of the louvres in the door, tikus menggerogot salah satu drpd ram pintu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gnaw | ~ (away) at, a. bite, chew persistently, menggerogot: several lions were ~ing away at the carcass, beberapa ekor singa menggerogot bangkai itu; b. cause distress, anxiety to, menyeksa: uncertainty ~ed away at him, perasaan ketidakpastian menyeksanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gnaw | vt 1. bite continuously, menggerogot; (finger-nails) menggigit-gigit: the puppy ~ed the bone, anak anjing itu menggerogot tulang; 2. bite (way) through st, menebuk; (of ant beetle etc) membuat: a squirrel ~ed a hole in the coconut, tupai menebuk lubang pd buah kelapa itu; white ants have ~ed their way through the back of the cupboard, anai-anai membuat jalan menerusi belakang gerobok; 3. cause distress, anxiety to, menyeksa: sorrow ~ed his heart, kesedihan menyeksa jiwanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Kata |
Sebutan |
Jawi |
menggerogot | [meng.ge.ro.got] | مڠݢروݢوت |
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