Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka  Carian Spesifik

Juga ditemui dalam : Kamus dan Istilah ; Artikel ; Ensiklopedia ; Buku ; Khidmat Nasihat ; Jurnal ; Pengesahan Bahasa ; Kerajaan Malaysia ; Pantun ;
Maklumat Tambahan Dalam :Korpus ; e-Tesis ;e-Jurnal ;

Universiti Malaysia SabahUniversiti Sains Malaysia
UMS Official Website - Road To A Jumbo Disaster
HAVE dedicated almost 17 years to the conservation of biodiversity in Sabah. During this time, I’ve been privileged to contribute to safeguarding the wild Bornean elephant, the smallest among Asian elephants. It’s worth emphasising that Bornean elephants are not dwarf elephants. There are only about 1,500 such wild elephants remaining, and these are found only on the east
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