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enjoy | ~ os, berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka: he always ~s himself at parties, dia selalu berseronok-seronok di majlis keramaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enjoy | d. (life) menikmati, merasai nikmat: to ~ life, merasai nikmat hidup; 2. have as advantage or benefit, (income, right, privilege, trust) mendapat, memperoleh; (standard of living, prosperity, etc) menikmati: she ~s a good income from her inheritance, dia memperoleh pendapatan yg banyak drpd harta pusakanya; he ~s our complete trust, dia mendapat kepercayaan kami sepenuhnya; ~ good health, sihat; ~ /little, great/ success, /tdk berapa, sangat/ berjaya: as a writer, he ~s little success, sbg penulis, dia tdk berapa berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enjoy | vt 1. take pleasure in a. (music, game, etc), /suka, gemar, seronok/ + approp v; (preceding v) suka, gemar, seronok: he ~s pop music, dia suka mendengar muzik pop; she ~s all kinds of sport, dia suka bermain segala jenis sukan; did you ~ the film?, kamu seronok menonton filem itu? Ive really ~ed talking to you, saya seronok betul bercakap dgn puan; b. (holiday, weekend, party, etc) seronok semasa [n]: I hope you will ~ your holiday, saya berharap kamu seronok semasa bercuti; c. (meal etc) seronok menikmati [n]: I always ~ your cooking, saya sentiasa seronok menikmati masakan kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beauty | to enjoy the ~ of the scenery, menikmati keindahan pemandangan; the ~ of Nature, keindahan alam semula jadi; the ~ of the sonnet, keindahan soneta itu; 2. beautiful girl, woman, cantik, jelita, jelitawan, rupawan, lawa: she was a ~ in her day, pada masa mudanya dia cantik; 3. st beautiful, cantik: isnt it a ~?, cantik, bukan?; 4. feature, characteristic that is beautiful or exceptionally good, keindahan: the beauties in Iqbals poetry, keindahan dlm sajak Iqbal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
soak | c. enjoy by sitting or lying for a long time in the sun, menikmati cahaya matahari: she sat on the balcony ~ing up the sun, dia duduk di langkan menikmati cahaya matahari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sociable | adj friendly, inclined to enjoy company, bergaul; (habitually) suka bergaul: please make an effort to be ~ to everyone, tolonglah cuba bergaul dgn semua orang; our new neighbours are quite ~, jiran baru kami suka bergaul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oneself | one cant really enjoy ~ when one has too many problems to think about, seseorang or kita tdk boleh berseronok kalau terlalu banyak masalah yg harus difikirkan; [when the pron is not the obj of a vt or prep in Malay, the forms (dia, -nya) sendiri and (kita) sendiri are used]: when one finally manages to wash ~ and dress ~, one feels that recovery is near, apabila akhirnya seseorang berjaya mandi sendiri dan mengenakan pakaian(nya) sendiri, seseorang berasa sudah hampir sembuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relish | vt 1. enjoy, menikmati: most children ~ ice-cream, kebanyakan kanak-kanak menikmati ais krim; I do ~ his funny story, saya menikmati ceritanya yg menggelikan hati; 2. be pleased with, seronok: I dont ~ leaving my family behind, saya tdk seronok meninggalkan keluarga saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mud-pie | n kuih /lumpur, tanah/: the children enjoy playing ~s, kanak-kanak suka main kuih lumpur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
luxuriate | vi usu ~ in, indulge in, enjoy, bersenang-senang, bersantai; (fig.) menikmati: after a long hard day, he ~d in his Jacuzzi, selepas bekerja keras sehari suntuk, dia bersantai dlm Jakuzinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
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